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Flooting Do Not use sign in swimming pool

Health and Safety for new start-ups

Launching a new start-up? Don't overlook Health and Safety.

How to

Finding content inspiration

When writing social media content for your business, you may sometimes suffer from writers’ block and wonder what on Earth to talk about.

Your Greatest Learning Tool Is Your Grandparents

What isn’t taught in schools is common sense and how to be streetwise. In fairness, school isn’t about learning life skills—it’s the job of your parents to teach these things, but this can result in knowledge gaps.

Make hiring freelancers work for your business

Here are ITK Magazine’s tips that will make hiring freelancers a breeze...

Five Strategies To Get Your Small Business Out of Debt

According to experts, small businesses should aim to keep their debt levels at no more than 30% of their business’s capital. If your business consistently exceeds this, it may be time to create a plan to reduce your debt. The following tips will help:

How NOT to lead a team: dissecting the Prime Minister’s style of management

Taking politics off the table, I can’t help but feel the Prime Minister and Chancellor are both perfect examples of what not to do when in a position of management and when tasked with leading others.

Planning on Hosting a Home Wedding? Here's How to Prep Your Home

There’s a growing trend in the UK for cost-conscious couples, which is hosting their wedding at home. Of course, the success of a home wedding depends largely on where you live and your housing situation

What’s ‘social proof’?

Nowadays, it’s common for consumers to turn to those who have had dealings with you for an accurate picture.

Do you follow up on your sales?

Many small business owners fail to follow up on the enquiries they receive if a sale doesn’t instantly occur. This can be for various reasons...

5 Tips for Best Safeguarding Practice in Your Organisation

You may believe that this article doesn’t concern you, but if your business employs staff, or offers opportunities to young people on work experience or apprenticeships, it absolutely does.

How to use Canva:

Canva is a popular cloud-based software program that helps users to design graphics and imagery. It has templates that are fully customisable, i.e. you’re able to change the colours..

How to recruit well in business

The costs to recruit a new member of staff may seem insignificant, but once you consider recruitment agency fees (if relevant) and/or advertising costs, not to mention the time it takes to write out a job advert.

What guest posting could do for your business

Blogging may seem like it’s had its heyday, but given how populated the internet is in 2021, and how long-form content is becoming the darling of search engines with every update.

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