How Fab Events helped businesses to adopt a new strategy
Zoe Wadsworth

From crisis to confidence—award-winning Yorkshire events firm, Fab Events, has managed to achieve growth in a struggling sector. The company believes that innovation within events should not be regarded as a luxury, but as a strategic measure.
Change is an opportunity to adapt and grow. Adapting your services not only helps you meet the needs of your existing clients, but it can also increase your appeal to a new audience.
More than 126,000 jobs have been lost within the events industry since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fab Events aims to provide the platform for innovation. The network they’ve built connects event creators and innovators.
Prior to the pandemic, Fab Events focused solely on event planning, production, and on-site management. Due to the demand they began to see in January 2020, they now also specialise in event strategy, consultation, and management, which allows their clients to offer a more sustainable and flexible service to their customers.
Fab Events joined forces with small businesses across the region, within all sectors, to provide sustainable solutions that meet their clients’ events and marketing needs—solutions that address issues affecting the sector as a result of government restrictions.
They introduced a series of podcasts that allows independent business owners to showcase their company to their target audiences. Guests on the podcast share their stories and demonstrate how they can help their customers in these unprecedented times. As a result, Fab Events collected C.V. Magazine’s ‘Customer Care Excellence’ award as well as ‘Best Event Planning and Management Company’ award. This reinforced the company’s belief that, by innovating and adapting a business to cope with external factors, the company will ultimately become stronger.
Says Fab Events’ founder, Zoe Wadsworth: ‘It’s vital that everyone in our network and community understands the benefits of our work. Customer service should not be hindered by a situation that’s out of our control. My hope is that, by bringing the events community together with small businesses, we can generate creative opportunities so that the sector and the region thrive.’
Fab Events’ new strategy service identifies gaps and opportunities within clients’ marketing activities and any events that are relative to their sector. This allows them to move forward in their marketplace and brings fantastic results.
An example of how Fab Events’ new innovative service ‘Fab strategy’ has helped one of their clients is their work with Dan Holmes from Active Family Rewards. Dan wanted to create his own brand identity through marketing and events—he wished to be known for more than the company he was attached to; to show the type of person he was and the benefits his knowledge, service and company could provide.
The long-term plan for this client was to generate marketing activity around his business that showed more of his personality and built on the 'know, like and trust' factor. Increasing brand awareness always starts with the individual; Zoe put a strategy together that allowed Dan’s personality to stand out, and which made him even more approachable to his target audience. He is now known as ‘Dan Holmes: The Life Insurance Guy’.
Zoe Wadsworth from Fab Events
This is what Dan had to say about Fab Events’ new service: ‘Working with Zoe, through her strategy service, allowed me to achieve a 200% ROI in my business. I was absolutely blown away by her marketing knowledge. In just a two-hour session, Zoe gave me loads of practical things to change and implement in my business, to improve my social media presence, my personal branding, my email marketing, events and so much more!’
Zoe adds, ‘Innovation today places businesses in the spotlight—particularly if they are within the events industry. We all need to look for the positives and use our skillsets for the better. This will keep our businesses moving forward and allow us to offer services that our customers and the market as a whole need now, more than ever.
So, how can businesses adapt, whether they are within the events sector or not? The answer is innovation.
Investing in your event or business is ultimately investing in yourself. The more you believe in something, the more authentic and passionate you become about your new innovative product or service.
Regardless of the size of your business, Fab Events exists to help you through the process of innovation within your network. If you are in need of inspiration, they advise attending one of their free discovery sessions—or better still, attending one of their networking events, to gain advice concerning your new innovative product or service.
Often, the simplest solutions for your business are already within your skillset. What better way to gain market research than consulting your network, and allowing those you trust to support you?
65% of businesses that have chosen to innovate and adapt have seen a high success rate in their new product or service being well received by their target market.
Hopefully, you have found this article useful and it inspires you to look at which aspects of your business you could innovate for the better.
These are the five main opportunities that innovation provides within the events and business sectors that will help you on your journey:
Number One
Innovation helps you to stand out from the crowd and become more noticed in a competitive marketplace. Attracting customers has become ten times harder, due to demand increasing in all sectors. Having an innovative product, service or method provides the foundations for a stronger, more sustainable business going into the future.
Number Two
Innovation helps you market your business more effectively and proactively. You need to break through the noise within your industry—particularly so if you’re in the events industry currently. Offering something positive to a struggling marketplace will allow you to stand out and for your story to be used as an effective piece of marketing material.
Number Three
Innovation helps bring a sustainable aspect to the business. Sustainability is key at present, due to the harsh environment we are living in. Offering a sustainable aspect to the business will allow you to become stronger; it may also boost your company’s green credentials.
Number Four
Innovation helps increase the value of your business. It adds another string to your bow and shows you are moving forward. It demonstrates that you’re not afraid to make mistakes, and that you’re keen to adapt to remain competitive.
Number Five
Innovation helps you bring more success. Innovation shows you in a positive light. It allows you to make your business bigger, better and stronger.
To find out more about the support FAB Events can give your business, visit our website, where you will also find further blogs on innovation within the events and business sectors:

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