"On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to meeee...
...targeted promotion!"

No matter which of our packages you choose, you can always expect the same level of service from the outset. The uppermost aim of ITKmagazine is to educate your potential customers about the field in which you specialise and the type of help you could offer.
When it comes to marketing your business and attracting new leads and collaborations, you tend to choose the people you know and trust over the strangers who spam your inbox with ‘special offer’ emails. Through ITKmagazine you get to be that person people know and trust, by educating new prospects and helping them with your knowledge and expertise. When creating an article for us, think to yourself, ‘How will this information help my audience?’
In a world where businesses need to prove that they provide value for money, ITK prides itself on being able to guarantee results. As an example, under our Bronze package, we can guarantee that your article will reach at least 1000 people on social media, and at least 1400 people via our email list; also, your article will forever exist on the ITKmagazine website for people to read and it will provide a continuous backlink to your website (which Google loves).
We have already done this with many clients. However, what we offer is more than just analytical results that benefit your organisation. Your content in ITKmagazine will present you as an expert, and give you the chance to demonstrate your knowledge, outline your USPs and give prospective customers the confidence that you can help them. Such valuable content will gain even more prominence as a feature on the ITKmagazine website and/or within ITK’s monthly periodical that goes out to thousands of businesses.
Zoe Wadsworth of Fab Events wanted to educate her audience on how she has adapted her business during what has been a disaster of a year for some. She’s gone from being an event planner to an experiential marketer, strategising with her clients and increasing their brand’s visibility through events. This has arguably been her best year yet, even though, for most of the year, events haven’t been allowed to take place offline.
Her article went out to thousands of fellow business owners, as part of ITK’s Bronze package; the extra benefit for Zoe was being able to share the piece across her social media platforms. Her published piece was effectively a PR triumph that established her credibility to her audience.
Suzanne Smith’s aim is to educate people about the condition ‘chronic fatigue’, as many people suffer from it without ever knowing. Her message is vital for her audience, as it helps those who are unaware they have the condition to obtain a diagnosis and begin treatment. Her content offers a better standard of life to those who follow her help and advice. ITK has helped her access new audiences and given her the opportunity to launch a new event, which we will be sharing in future editions.
For Andrew Gibson, his feature in ITK covered the launch of his new book. Andrew enjoyed a spotlight article in our monthly magazine, which meant his content took pride of place. He gained new readers, who learned more about him and his techniques and how they could benefit from his help. He validated his offering over three pages, with an extra page that showcased his book; this linked directly to his Amazon page where readers could purchase a copy. Due to the article’s success, Andrew is already planning more content for ITK to promote, which will show his potential clients how they can get the most out of 2021.
Matt Appleby’s article informs readers how they can become healthier, by incorporating just 20 minutes of exercise each week combined with a nutritious diet. Matt shared his journey on how he started as a client at fit20 before becoming a studio owner with the company. His story is testament to how fit20 can help people; Matt was so happy with the product he bought into the franchise! As a Gold member, we guaranteed Matt that more than 5,000 within his target market would see his article on social media, as well as the vast number of people that read our magazine each month.
With more and more people contributing to ITKmagazine we continue to develop and grow the magazine, which benefits both our clients and our readers. One of the main reasons why we have seen such success is because we don’t allow any old content on our site. Every article submitted is subject to our quality control and is professionally edited. If we feel that your article is too ‘salesy’, no matter which ITK package you’ve engaged, your article will be returned with edits, or with a few suggestions on what you could talk about instead.
Creating content for ITKmagazine represents targeted promotion of the benefits you can offer your customers, as opposed to paying to be in front of irrelevant people as per other publications.
If you’re on the fence about whether or not to collaborate with one of the fastest-growing E-magazines in Yorkshire, hopefully you will now understand why you should get on board. The sooner you create quality content on behalf of your business via ITKmagazine, the sooner your business will reap the benefits.

Want your article or story on our site? Contact us here