Make 2022 the year you invest in yourself
Greg Devine

New equipment is expensive, that goes without saying but when is a purchase an investment or just an impulse buy?
So, you’ve just seen the latest MacBook and, even better, it’s on offer! But should you buy it? Well, that’s not a straight up yes or no. Ask yourself: is this a good investment? Will I be more productive because the device is quicker? Will I be able to use a new piece of software my device couldn’t previously run, or do I just want to show off? If the latter, then you should probably look to invest that money elsewhere. Perhaps look at new software or an add-on for that software. Maybe even look into a course to learn a new skill.
January can always be a tough time of year, financially, but it is also the perfect opportunity for a new start and a chance to improve yourself. We’re all aware that this could prove expensive, so it’s important to spend wisely. Typically, health and fitness becomes a focus when a new year dawns, but do you need that gym membership? Will you actually go? Or should you spend the money on a different aspect of self-improvement go for a run instead, or use your own body to build muscle through push ups, etc.?

Self-improvement is a burgeoning market, but how much do we apply what we buy? Books, CDs, podcast subscriptions…if you don’t use them, these products could become more ‘shelf help’. Shelling the money out to purchase such things is the easy part…the commitment to use and absorb the information given, and to make time to apply what you’ve learned, is the difficult part.
It’s worth pointing out that just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it’s a bad purchase. If it will give you the tools to improve yourself or become more profitable, and it’s something you or your business can afford, then go ahead and buy it. The point is to make sensible and calculated purchases and not be swayed by the fact something is new or it appears to be a good deal. You should research alternatives to products as well. For example, if you’re in the market for a new computer, do you need 32GB of RAM or would you be better with 16GB and using the money saved to purchase a better monitor to create more colour-accurate content?
Sometimes, there’s another option—just save your money! Yes, you may see people around you buying new and expensive things, but if you don’t truly need the products then why buy them? Keeping up with the Joneses is so yesterday. Save your money until you find something truly worth investing in.
Take inspiration from the common Yorkshire phrase ‘don’t spend for the sake of it!’.
Let this be your new year’s resolution. Be more calculated with your finances.

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